David Bartholomeusz
David Bartholomeusz is a serial entrepreneur known for his explorations in behavioral economics and applied evolutionary psychology, with a particular interest in habit systems and social organic growth. As a servant leadership speaker, story teller and workshop facilitator, David has over 30,000 hours of front-of-room experience with group sizes ranging from 5 to 5,000.
Wisely nurtured people naturally gravitate toward joyful service.
Popular Talks
Habit Creation
The practical foundations of effortless life long success. Demonstrates the case for life by design, provides immediately actionable tools and empowers participants to discover effortless success.
Spiritual Wealth
Provides a simple, powerful and direct method for embodying the change that causes conscious capitalism in this and every moment.
Servant Leadership
Explores the inner resources that wise leaders cultivate to simultaneously develop themselves as leaders while empowering others. Explains how to empower through direct encounter in situ and provides tools and framework for beginning or recommencing this journey.
Entrepreneurial Leadership Journey: Empowering servant leadership and accountability
Provides the context and process for empowering all levels of leadership to move to the next level of trust, authenticity and accountability.
Spiritual Wealth: The Foundations of Effortless, Joyful Service
Shows how simple it is to embody the change that facilitates conscious capitalism in every moment without effort.
Flow: Immediate, Powerful Access to Life-changing Rituals, Routines & Rhythms
Empowers with context, tools and framework so that participants can discover and explore more powerful ways to express their genius
“After years of slogging without knowing where I am headed, I now have more meaning and direction thanks to the perspectives David shared.”
– Saahil Mehta, Executive Director, ResNet World
“In our modern age, where attention spans are low and distractions are high, David’s simple routine based approach to a complex topic is the perfect method to make meaningful changes in all aspects of your life. It may well be THE catalyst for finding fulfillment beyond the balance sheet.”
– Jonathan Sloan, Empire of The Sun, Sneaky Sound System
“After 35 years of self exploration, philosophical discourse and experiencing a myriad of new thought programs, I thought I’d see it all. Then I read David’s book. He’s managed to take all the various disciplines and pull them all together in one overarching frame of reference. More than impactful. It’s a reference for living!”
– Mark Worster, CEO, NoWaitNation
“Where many assume capitalism is inherently anti-spiritual and exploitative, David Bartholomeusz brings to life the powerful urge at the heart of the success of capitalism: the desire to understand and delight others, to create new things, to lead and empower; to transform our environment to suit our vision rather than contort ourselves to suit the visions of others. The practices he shares will bring you closer to these fundamental and life-altering forces within.”
– Luke Toop, Deputy Director, Department of the Premier and Cabinet

With many successful solo and collaborative entrepreneurial successes across a 20 year career, David specializes in empowering entrepreneurial leaders and building communication habitats is which communities thrive.
As a facilitator, David guides people to devise customized habit systems, developing organic growth models for businesses (no shareholder or bank equity business models) and championing dynamic product differentiation over product superiority.
The biggest impact David makes on those around him is through paradigm-shifting environments, as well as habit formation system integration experiences. He is also an expert in creating musical experiences to support rites of passage.
David holds degrees in both behavioral science and law, and he earned a Special Certificate in Entrepreneurship from MIT.
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