Fereshta Ramsey

Fereshta Ramsey


  • Coach
  • Speaker
  • Workshop Facilitator

Fereshta Ramsey is a dynamic speaker on communication, emotional safety, and boundary-setting. She is also a transformational coach with nearly 20 years experience and is a leading expert on shadow work. She digs deep to support evolutionary leaps with humans so they can find their voice and live fully expressed lives.


I believe our human potential is unlimited, IF we turn towards the things we most want to avoid, do the honest work of healing our trauma, and move from victim to author in our lives.

Authentic Leadership BIPOC Speakers Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Emotional Intelligence Speakers Empathy Speakers Grief Coaching Human Potential Interpersonal Dynamics Neuroscience and Business Personal Empowerment Purpose Consultants Self-Care Speakers Self-Discovery Coaching Shadow Work Therapy Trauma Healing

Popular Talks

Unleash Your Power Through Shadow Work
Learn how to work through the pain you avoid to discover where your power actually lives. This talk teaches you how to explore your shame points to move from victim to author, self-loathing to self-compassion, and tap into your courage. By moving through what might feel counter-instinctual at first, you will access the truest, most fully-expressed version of yourself. In this talk, you will learn how to:

  • Release unwanted programming from your family, culture, and society.
  • Do the work to become a trustworthy and emotionally-safe person for yourself and others.
  • No longer by-pass your own boundaries
  • Recognize when you are moving from self-care into people-pleasing.
  • Empathetically relate to others to take things less personally.

How to Become a Relational Badass
The state of your nervous system becomes the lens through which you experience your life. Learning how to regulate it provides you with self-awareness and practical tools to strengthen relationships with others and yourself. When you learn how your dysfunctional strategic wounds are often in your driver’s seat, you can skill up to take personal responsibility for your life. In this talk, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate triggers from your attachment style, conflict style, and childhood wounds.
  • Learn how to really listen and speak while under stress (moving from “you’re a jerk” to “I feel emotionally unsafe when you do that”).
  • Shift conflict with those your truly care about into a win for your relationships.
  • Understand the mammalian brain and the reptilian brain, including the amygdala and limbic system.
  • Be vulnerable and take real risks to transform your relationships.

Peak Performance: How Discipline Creates Freedom
By striking a balance between structure and flow, you can co-create your best self through organization and creativity. By learning at the neuroscience of success, you can understand how some of the most impactful people on the planet gain self-mastery through mindset and habits. In this talk, you will learn how to:

  • Focus on the high-value, high-priority parts of your life.
  • Fuel yourself through sleep hygiene, nutrition, quality relationships, and momentum on your dreams.
  • Understand how the road through discipline leads you to more freedom and more joy.
  • Shift from being distractable to disciplined through boundaries with oneself.
  • Authentically grow your belief in yourself and your capabilities.


Speaking, Workshops & Private Coaching

Through the lens of depth psychology, interpersonal dynamics, and neuroscience, I empower audiences by teaching them how to activate their untapped potential and live into the best versions of themselves.

“Fereshta is a compassionate and skilled coach and brings value and support to others working on healthy relationships. I am very grateful for her assistance and warm, encouraging guidance and support. I feel like I have made a lot of personal progress and have had the opportunity to put the teachings to practice with her assistance. I feel she was really skilled at helping me turn around from external focus to internal focus of my needs. It truly was a big breakthrough for me to come into my own power and agency. It felt very authentic, skilled, and natural the way it unfolded.”
— Laura Cohen

“Working with Fereshta as a guide in healing childhood wounds through shadow work has enabled me to fully claim my inner strength, love of self and associated self-awareness for how I show up as my true self in the world. She helped me uncover my True North — who I have always been at the core. With the removal of limitations (all rooted in fear), I am now living my life fully expressed as a genderfluid person, a leader in my work, and in a transformative partnership. Her ability to hold safe space, assist in organic revelation, and support the release of trauma has been one of the gifts in my life that has changed the course of it. Simply put, find a way to work with her.”
— Kelly Campbell

"Fereshta makes me feel safe, loved and fully seen. Her ability to hold space for healing is profoundly experienced during each session. Movement into the place of deep self acceptance and expansion is what she brings to the table."

Since 2004, Fereshta has been utilizing the transformational power of shadow work in her coaching sessions.

Under the direct guidance of Debbie Ford, the CEO and Founder of The Ford Institute, she found Carl Jung’s work on the shadow to be revelational and deeply healing. This coaching method allowed her to up-level her life and become an international recording artist, spiritual activist, music producer, and transformational coach.

With nearly 20 years of experience, and a leading expert on shadow work and its power to affect our daily behavior, and ultimately, our lives, she is able to dig deep and support evolutionary leaps with her coaching clients so they can find their voice and live a fully expressed life.

She is also a Certified Relationship Coach trained in presenced, centered coaching through the Relationship School under the guidance of Jayson Gaddis.

Currently, Fereshta  supports coaches-in-training at the Relationship School and works with private clients who are ready to live a life authentic to their soul. To the degree that we can process, digest and clear our emotional debris and past stored baggage, is the degree with which we can unleash our personal power and live a fully-expressed life.



Let’s collaborate to ensure a transformative experience.