Mark Vandeneijnde
Mark is an ICF Certified Human Potential coach, assisting organizational leaders to question their most ingrained assumptions about their businesses, to look at the future with fresh eyes and to courageously expand the role they play in society. Mark is author of The Being Entrepreneur, a passionate storyteller and a film maker in the area of business transformation.
When the BEING comes alive, the DOING thrives.
Popular Talks
Being Entrepreneurship:
– Highlight the lessons learnt and make it easier for others to also navigate the adventurous path of a BEING Entrepreneur.
– Connect the personal lessons to emerging research in the field of organizational performance (for example, Theory U, Reinventing Organizations, Spiral Dynamics).
– Open space for interactive discussion.
Investing in Human Potential realization:
– Why it’s the next paradigm on value creation.
– How to effectively engage key decision makers.
– How to quantify & make it practical.
An inside-out approach to innovation:
– Growing in consciousness creates shifts in perception.
– Shifts in perception lead to heart opening insights (about our customers & the markets we serve).
– Heart opening insights unlock bigger & more meaningful innovation.
Speaking, Workshops, & Coaching
Team workshops: Bringing a Team and its members to unfold their Full Potential is a key success factor in any organization, small or big. It can also be a challenge. We help you go to the essence of what drives team performance so you can more easily unlock the collective motivation, creativity, well-being, and resilience of your team.
Organizational culture development: By creating a culture that promotes creativity, collaboration and trust we can help you unlock the next paradigm of value creation in your organization. Our unique approach to unleashing human potential naturally leads to breakthroughs in innovation, employee engagement, and ultimately organizational performance.
We love coaching individual change makers, social entrepreneurs and organizational leaders to maximize their impact. We specialize in going deeper and helping you see beyond your day-today roles and responsibilities. We support you in re-connecting with the essence of who you are and fully expressing it in all aspects of your life.
“What you have created at Being at Full Potential is a gift to all of us. Thank you for walking this journey alongside our Human Assets Team. This week was evidence of transformation. Thank you for holding this space, which makes possible what previously felt impossible. I’m beyond grateful that our paths have crossed in life.”
– Laura Saldivar Luna, Chief People Officer, Teach for America
“At Omega we are truly inspired by your approach to Human potential development. We are proud to be in a true partnership with Being at Full Potential.”
– KS Saravanavasan, Vice President Talent Development Omega Healthcare Management Services
“I knew your process would be different than others to plan forward, but I did not expect the power it has in pulling out new insights.”
– Andreas Schurek, Managing Director TNS Global

Mark’s keen sense of insight and market understanding were the source of many breakthrough initiatives during his 10-year corporate career with a large FMCG company. During this time, he became acutely aware of the challenges organizations were facing in harnessing the full Human Potential of their workforce. With employee engagement at an all-time low, it was clear to him that a significant shift needed to take place in terms of how one looks at an organization’s most valuable asset – its PEOPLE. The command-and-control paradigm – which had been so effective in driving productivity in the past – needed to be replaced with a more inspiring and allowing way of being with each other in organizations.
This insight gave birth to BEING at Full Potential, global assessment, training, and coaching organization committed to unlocking Human Potential by bringing the attention back to the essence of who we are and why we are here.
From this state of BEING our clients easily see through the complexities and chaos of their worlds, enabling them to access breakthrough ideas and move forward in more meaningful ways. Much of this work requires translating the new,
emerging organizational paradigms into concrete, relevant and easy to understand solutions for the realities of today’s executives.
Having fully embraced the organizational reality that ‘what gets measured gets done’ is what led to the creation of the Human Potential Assessment, a robust tool to measure the deeper human drivers of organizational performance. Working with this data helps our clients open up transformational conversations that spark new ideas and foster deeper levels of trust and collaboration within their teams.
Since our foundation in 2013 we have trained and certified 150 coaches who offer this work to their clients on four continents.
Let’s collaborate to ensure a transformative experience.