Miha Pogacnik Naval
Miha Pogacnik Naval is an exceptional virtuoso keynote helping teams and organizations to heal, grow and thrive through the Power of Art. Focused on creative leadership in the age of AI, he leverages his gifts as a world-renowned violinist, visionary and the inventor of the “Creative Musical Method.”
In the new world of work we must unlock the Power of Arts to lift humanity and leadership in the age of AI.
Popular Talks
7 Arts-inspired Leadership & Teambuilding Journey
Interactive workshop for teambuilding events that provokes the growth, innovation and creativity of each team member with various creative activities, including teamwork – creation of poems, plays, and music.
Creative Leadership Journey: From Excellence to Genius
Only music can create a special emotional environments where the toughest leaders can open up, lean back and explore the circuits of innovation that lead to their growth.
Human Creativity in the Age of AI:
Empowering Teams in the New World of Work
Human Creativity in the Age of AI: Empowering Teams in the New World of Work
We live in a world where 75% of people are already using AI at work. 45% of them started using it less than 6 months ago. While everyone talks how AI will increase productivity, Human CREATIVITY remains in the heart of every organisation – Join us to rediscover the new world of work together!
This session is like no other – You will be provoked, You will hear new doable ideas, You will feel better about the future of work.
7 Arts-inspired Leadership & Teambuilding Journey
This is the Ultimate Teambuilding Masterclass which provides an exquisitely interactive, emotional and creative teambuilding experience. Teams use the power of Arts: music, visual arts, poems and performing arts to address critical organizational and teamwork issues while working in groups, expressing themselves and enjoying the process. One of the main reasons this session is popular is: t minimum props required, and still provides the extraordinary creative and un-common memorable teambuilding experience. NO MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE EXPECTED!
Professionals of any level, any profession or any industry. This experience provides bonding beyond hierarchy, whether online or in-person. Miha has successfully delivered this session for management boards, for first line managers, for legal departments, for IT professionals, for governmental institutions etc.
Format (virtual / in-person): possible live or virtual.
Leadership Resonance Platform®: Inspiring Success in Times of Crisis
From Excellence to Genius; Theory ‘U’ – management breakthrough in times of crisis; No Digitalisation without Humanisation – people management in times of crisis; Invoking Creative & Empathic approach to the challenges of the new world of work.
Format (virtual / in-person): possible live or virtual.
All time most popular program, goes from 30mins keynote to 4 hour sessions – for Board/Leadership Meetings, a musical journey.
“Thank you again, Miha Pogacnik, for your wonderful presentation of transformational relationship musical masterpieces can have on organizational development. This resonates deeply with our striving for excellence and inspiration here at Porsche.”
– Porsche Holding
“Miha Pogacnik managed to give a unique and very inspiring performance linking his expert knowledge in leadership and decision processes to his wonderful mastership of violin and classical music.”
– Bosch
“Miha Pogacnik tied together his outstanding musical talent with relevant leadership messages, and it was an inspiring way.”
– HP
“Pogacnik uses music as the ultimate “cure” for business problems. He focuses on links between music and business. ‘Do you have problems with your staff? Are you losing market share? The greatest musicians will help you sort all of that out.’ His semi-theatrical performance is far from didactic training, but in the two hours, Pogacnik manages to play, draw and talk about crisis and leadership, breakthrough and victory over your own weakness. He had an answer to any question.”
– Harvard Business Review
“Miha Pogacnik is both a skilled concert violinist who has spent years perfecting his art, and a motivational speaker, who uses music to advise businesses on how to achieve success. Art should not be present only in the concert halls, it should be there where the decisions are made.”

An exceptional virtuoso, both on the musical stage as well as on the management platform, Miha Pogacnik Naval is the creative force behind cultural and diplomatic missions; his music is a medium for his thoughts and vision development.
He is actively engaged in cultural, business and political spheres as well as academia and civil society, while his visions have led him to explore the influence of formative principles of Art on evolution of society. It is his practical insight that creative environments need to be developed, where on a raised resonance platform Art forces attract, “compose” and bind together different social fields. His method of interdisciplinary transfer from musical masterpieces to leadership and cultural development, inspiring scores of global brands companies like Shell, Novartis, ING, Porsche, Nike and Microsoft, leading business schools, UN agencies and gatherings like Alpbach and World Economic Forum.
For over 20 years he has been the main speaker at meetings of some of the most successful multinational companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, Bosch, IBM, Microsoft, Coca Cola, Shell, Novartis, BIAH, Electroloux, Unilever, Airbus, Lego, Expedia, and Porsche.
Has been featured in 5 best-selling books on leadership.
Global leaders, Ministers, Royal Family members, Managers, CEOs, Lawyers, Doctors, Pharmacists, Engineers, Entrepreneurs and Students have attended his sessions.
His Musical Method has made its way into business schools and universities around the world, including IESE, CEIBS, Harvard Business School, and Bled School of Management.
Let’s collaborate to ensure a transformative experience.