Miik Wells
Miik Wells is Black & Indigenous leadership coach and consultant who is mindfulness-centered, somatically-grounded, socially-rooted, curiosity-approached, playfully-engaged, intuitively-guided and experientially-minded. His service to persons and collectives is an expression of his belief that we can more effectively cultivate healthy, sustainable, and equitable local and global ecosystems by learning, processing, and practicing how we “INgage” with more aspects of our self and social ecosystems.
Tending to the !Nfrastructures of our self & social ecosystems is necessary for our flora, fauna and folks to flourish.
Inner Equity
Inclusion Includes You
Internally Interpreting Identity
re:Defining Leadership
Processing Professionalism
InnerCultural Responsiveness
Workshops, Consulting & Coaching
D.I.V.E. into SELF (DIVE = Diversity, Inclusion, Valuation, Equity)
- Inner Equity – Invest in YOU and tend to YOUR imbalances by intentionally entering a conversation with YOUR Self.
- Inclusion Includes You – Invite and welcome YOUR reactive, responsive Self into a deeper sense of connection and belonging with YOU.
- Internally Interpreting Identity – Identify the dynamics happening underneath the definitions, expressions, and projections of YOUR persona.
deWorming Work
- re:Defining Leadership – Instead of focusing on SAYING WHAT Leadership IS or ISN’T, let’s shift our attention to FEELING HOW we ACTUALLY Lead our Selves?
- Processing Professionalism – We spend too much time working NOT to process what is happening IN us while we are “at work”. So, let’s “work through” some thangs together…
- InnerCultural Responsiveness – How we respond to our PERSONAL Ecosystemic Self affects how we respond to everything and everyone “ELSE”. How are YOU responding to the Culture YOU are cultivating WITHIN YOU?
I offer my ecosystemic perspective to collectives and collaborators for assessing their current conditions, accessing their available resources, and addressing their challenges–with services from one-time meetings to multiple session workshops/coaching to long-term projects.
I mindfully, experientially, somatically, and interactively support persons and collectives in “seeing” their selves more clearly.
“Miik modeled excellent listening! Listening is an important skill that needs to be modeled and practiced. The workshop was great and exceeded my expectations. It made it clearer that we are responsible for our own inclusiveness and in doing so can reach our highest potential.”
– Diane G., Executive Director, The Northwest Coop Academy
“Since meeting you I have become better at opening up and showing weakness, better means less than terrible, but I still have a long way to go in learning to love and accept myself. You had a profound impact on the way I interact with people and have helped me open myself up and be vulnerable. I know I may look all business when I show up at CFY but some days I really just wish I could shed all of that and be a kid again and you made me believe that is possible. Your attitude, smile and laugh always made me feel welcome and I enjoyed learning from you. I know we didn’t spend much time one on one but I was always watching and learning as you spoke and interacted. I apologize for not making more of an effort to thank you as time went on but trust me, you changed my perspective and positively affected my life.”
– Jerrid A., Mentor at Community for Youth
“I would like to acknowledge you for the wide range of yourself that you gave to the CfY community over the years. Your enthusiasm was catching, your ability to be vulnerable was inspiring, and your willingness to always always always be authentic was an example for us all. Not only that, your demonstration of how to be a human engaged with others – one who laughs and hurts and continues to move forward – is an example to all of the students and adults who are lucky to learn from you. And not least: for our young men of color, you were a desperately needed role model and someone who could SEE them, for better or worse, and inspire their participation in CfY and in life.
The impact all this has had on me is to encourage me to work on being the kind of person who can inspire while being vulnerable. One who is not afraid to take risks. One who can laugh when only laughter will do. From you I learned how to engage students, how to deal with disruptive participants, how to teach serious stuff while making every moment meaningful and fun, and how to meet students exactly where they are at. All of this is so dear to me. I will hold a part of you in my heart always.”
– Kirsten S., Mentor at Community for Youth

Miik Wells is a Black/Indigenous man, father, partner, brother, son, and friend. He tends to self and social ecosystems by creating, curating, and conducting “INNERactive” learning, processing, practicing engagements for the flourishing of flora, fauna and folks.
His way of facilitating personal, interpersonal, and professional development has been cultivated over 25 years through serving a wide spectrum of peoples in varying roles, including: preschool movement, children’s enrichment, youth mentorship, college leadership, team and community building, organizational change, senior social experiences, and intergenerational gatherings.
Miik’s praxis is the Art of SELF Perspective Shifting as he takes the present(ed) “material” of collective experience and infuses it with his own to create deeply intentional interactivity with our selves, nature, and life. In cultivating his EcoSocial Artistry, he values his intuition as much as his intellect; He considers his failures, flaws, and flights of fancy just as important as his lived and learned Experiences.
His service to persons and collectives is an expression of his belief that we can more effectively cultivate healthy, sustainable, and equitable local and global ecosystems by learning, processing, and practicing how we “INgage” with more aspects of our self and social ecosystems.
Let’s collaborate to ensure a transformative experience.