
Maxime Bonnasserre

Conscious Leadership

Marina Triner

Somatic Emotional Release

James Barnes

Stress Management

Crystal Whiteaker

Inclusive Leadership

Indigo Avisov

Regenerative Leadership

Ahmed Afzaal

Sustainability Consultants

Massimo Backus


James-Olivia Hillman

Relational Leadership

A.C. Fowlkes

Inclusive Leadership

Tara Robertson

Cultural Equity

Fatima Mann

Conscious Leadership

‘Maven’ Miara Shaw

Transformational Leadership

Future Cain

Workplace Wellness

M. Shannon Hernandez

Psychology of Happiness

Shari Dunn

Change Management

Melanie Whitney


Deri Latimer

Positive Psychology

Neha O’Rourke


Vivian Acquah

Conscious Leadership

Carol Fabrizio

Conscious Leadership

Ruth Rathblott

Authentic Leadership

Michael Gregor

Collaboration and Team Trust

Dr. Serena Huang

Employee Engagement

Tanmeet Sethi, MD

Workplace Wellness

Katrina De Angelis

Employee Engagement

Stephanie Battaglino

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Melanie Weinberger

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Dethra Giles

Conscious Leadership

Rachel Harlich

Trauma Healing

Tawn Williams

Workplace Wellness

Pearce Cucchissi

Executive Performance

Keith Keating

Human Potential

Glodean Champion

Transformational Leadership

Loubna Noureddin

Organizational Development

Kristen Harcourt

Leadership Development

Brandon Bennett

Conscious Leadership

Gina Hayden

Conscious Leadership

Mike Mister

Business Leadership

Chris Rollins

Business Leadership

LaTonya Wilkins

Belonging in Business

Rebecca Hill

Women in Leadership

Dorie Clark

Business Leadership

Julianna Bootsman

Conscious Leadership

Wendy Irwin

Conscious Leadership

Jen O’Ryan

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Ashley Owens

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Dr. Steve Yacovelli

Inclusive Leadership

Therese Huston

Business Leadership

Debra Sunderland

Authentic Leadership

Roxanne Derhodge

Authentic Leadership

Juan Cortés

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Kamales Lardi

Digital Business Transformation

Kerry Kingham

Business Leadership

Paisley Demby

Business Leadership

Tina Greenbaum

Conscious Leadership

Simone Sloan

Emotional Intelligence

Rena DeLevie

Empathetic Leadership

Michael Ventura

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Ezra Bookman

Ritual for Business

Bernadette Pleasant

Somatic Emotional Release

Kelly L. Campbell

Trauma-Informed Leadership

Tenzin Lodoe

BIPOC Speakers

K. Michael Slater

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Madeline Reeves

Women in Leadership

Tracy Yates

Authentic Leadership

Tony Zampella

Conscious Leadership

Dr. Barbara Mutedzi, PhD

Conscious Leadership

Paul Kan

Authentic Leadership

Anahita Moghaddam

Contemplative Science

We can no longer claim one set of values and act on another. The time has come for awakening leaders to become active participants in the direction of their teams, organizations, and industries. Discover and hire executive leadership coaches that support your organization’s commitment to transformative change and growth, starting at the top.